The following Terms and Conditions expressed by CBD Nature Wellness – also referred to hereafter as “us,” “we,” or “our” – are important and govern the usage of the CBD Nature Wellness website and online store. By using our site, you naturally confirm your acknowledgment and acceptance of our Terms and Conditions. Please note that we reserve our rights to change all or parts of these Terms and Conditions at our discretion. Any modifications are effective immediately, and your continued use also confirms acknowledgment and acceptance of the changes; we suggest reviewing this page regularly.

If for any reason, you refuse to consent to our Terms and Conditions which includes all limitation contained henceforth, you cannot use or access the CBD Nature Wellness website or online store.


You agree to be at least the legal age of maturity required by your state or province of residence when accessing or using our site, or you are of legal age in your state or province of residence and grant permission to your legal minor dependents using our site. You also agree to be of legal age required by the state or province of residence when purchasing products from our site. It is your responsibility to determine if you can legally buy CBD Nature Wellness products.

When accessing our site and some of its resources, you may be required to enter registration details and other information. By doing so, you willingly accept that all information you provide is current, correct, and complete. If for any reason we suspect your submitted information is incorrect, outdated, incomplete, or an impersonation of someone different, we can exercise our right – without warning or prior notice – to:

  • Remove any of your posted comments.
  • Refuse your access to our site and its resources.
  • Terminate or suspend your access at our discretion.


Along with complying with our terms and conditions, CBD Nature Wellness and our applicable affiliates grant you a restricted, fixed, and non-subcontract license to enter and make personal, non-commercial use of our site’s content and resources. With this license, you cannot:

  • Make borrowed use of our content and resources.
  • Download, copy, or utilize account information to benefit third parties.
  • Use any robots, data mining, or similar data gathering extraction tools.
  • Resell or make commercial use of our site, its resources, content, or our products.

Any and all rights not expressly allowed to you within our Terms and Conditions are reserved and retained by us, our suppliers, content providers, publishers, licensors, or rights-holders. You are not allowed to reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, resell, or otherwise exploit any content or resources posted on CBD Nature Wellness, or products sold through our online store, without prior written authorization from us. You do not have our permission to abuse or misuse our content, products, or resources; applicable laws and our Terms and Conditions subject your use of our site. We reserve the right to terminate these licenses if you fail to comply with our Terms and Conditions.


You are allowed to use our site for purposes strictly granted by our site. You do not have permission to utilize our site or allow any other party to use our site for any other purposes – including commercial purposes – without our prior written authorization. Examples of restricted use includes, but not limited to:

  • Co-branding our site.
  • Hyperlinking to our site.
  • Using our name, trademarks, or utilizing any “hidden text” or other meta tags
  • Framing or using framing techniques to enclose any of our, or our affiliates’, logos, trademarks, other proprietary information – texts, forms, layouts, images, etc.

In regards to our Terms and Conditions, “co-branding” refers to the displaying of a name, logo, trademark, or other means of identification giving the impression of association with CBD Nature Wellness – or that another party has the authority to publish, display, or distribute our site or content and resources from our site. Your use of our site also guarantees your cooperation with us to cease any unauthorized co-branding, hyperlinking, or framing immediately.

We do not grant any permission for you to alter, interpret, decompile, dismantle, broadcast, license, subcontract, change, sell, frame, reflect, misuse, rent, lease, copy, duplicate, republish, upload, post, dispatch, or distribute any material from our site in any way.


The content and material – henceforth referred simply as “content” – from our site, or any other Internet site owned, controlled, operated, or licensed by CBD Nature Wellness are proprietary information belonging to us or our content providers. Our content providers and CBD Nature Wellness retain all rights, interests, and titles within the content. Under our Terms and Conditions, you have no authorization to copy, transmit, distribute, display, republish, post, or upload from our site in any way without our prior written approval, or stated otherwise on our site. You may print a copy of our site’s content strictly for personal use only. By doing so, you also consent not to directly or indirectly change or remove any copyright, trade name, service mark, trademark, or any other proprietaries shown on any of our content. Any alterations or use of content outside the guidelines of our Terms and Conditions violates intellectual property rights. By accessing our site, you do not own any rights or titles to our content or other intellectual properties.


Other websites not maintained by or related to CBD Nature Wellness may hyperlink our site onto theirs. Such hyperlinks on our site provide a service to you and are not affiliated or sponsored by CBD Nature Wellness. We do not review such websites and are not liable for content produced on such sites. You agree to access hyperlinks at your own risk and understand we make no warranties or representations about their content nor the accuracy or completeness of these hyperlinks both to and from our site. Additionally, any hyperlinks on our site leading to third parties should not imply that CBD Nature Wellness endorses those websites.


The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not evaluated any statements or materials on our site, nor products we sell and distribute through our online store. Neither the FDA or any regulatory agency endorses or approves any products available on our site or product ingredients. Our products on the CBD Nature Wellness website and online store should not be expected to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases. We provide information and materials on our site strictly for educational purposes; you should not use anything from our site as a substitute for professional medical advice or care. Our information is not intended to treat or diagnose any health issues or illnesses without a doctor’s approval. For those who are pregnant, taking medication, nursing, or have medical conditions, we firmly advise consulting with a health professional before using CBD Nature Wellness products.


Any content, graphics, information, ideas, remarks, or other suggestions that you communicate through our site – henceforth referred to as “submissions” – automatically grants CBD Nature Wellness and our affiliates usage throughout the world in any medium. You also allow us to incorporate submissions from other works in any media, technology, or form currently known or developed in the future. You consent to our usage of your submissions is a royalty-free, transferable, irrevocable, license-free, perpetual, worldwide, fully sublicensable, non-exclusive right and license to display, utilize, reproduce, perform, change, translate, publish, generate copied works from, adapt, and distribute. You agree to represent and vouch ownership or control over all rights to your submissions. There is no requirement for us to regard any submission as confidential; you also permit us to use your submission within our business without accruing any liability for royalties or other compensation of any kind. We also will not assume any responsibility resulting from any similarities appearing in future operations; however, we will respect any personal information you submit through our site as detailed in our Privacy Policy.


When accessing our site, you agree that we do not nor cannot assure or guarantee any files accessible for downloading from the Internet are free of viruses, Trojan horses, worms, or any other manifestation of codes with contamination or destructive abilities. It is your responsibility for executing adequate methods and checkpoints that satisfies conditions of data input and output accuracy and maintains a solution outside of our site for restoring any lost data. CBD Nature Wellness assumes no liability or risk of your internet use. You should not expect our content to be current or complete nor use it to substitute any statements, written reports, or notices we provide. The use of our content – by investors, borrowers, or other persons – should be in the same capacity as any other educational medium and should not depend on our content outside of personal judgment. We do not claim our information to be exhaustive nor covers all topics, issues, or facts pertinent to your goals.

You understand the use of our site is at your own risk. We provide content “as is” and “as available” without any expressed, implied, or statutory warranties of any kind to the fullest extent granted by applicable law. We thus disclaim all warranties including, but not limited to, the implied warranty of merchantability, title, non-infringement, and fitness for a particular purpose. CBD Nature Wellness makes no warranty, expressed or implied, that its website or any services, information, or products obtained on or through this site will satisfy personal requirements or be uninterrupted, secure, timely, error-free, correct defects, or sites and servers are free of viruses or other malicious elements. We do not guarantee or make any representation about use, or the result of use, of our content concerning reliability, accuracy, or otherwise. Though we may conduct changes or improvements at our discretion, our content may contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. The complete cost of all servicing, repair, or correction of any loss or damage due to the use of our site or its content is your liability – not CBD Nature Wellness nor its affiliates. We do not guarantee your use of our content will not violate the rights of others, nor do we assume any responsibility or liability for content errors or omissions. All information contained within our site, whether actual or forecasted, is expressed only from the date we post it; we are not obligated to update information after posting it, nor remove it if it’s no longer complete or accurate.


At no time is the collective liability of CBD Nature Wellness and its affiliates, subsidiaries, service providers, licensors, employees, content providers, agents, directors, and officers, to any party exceed the lesser of $100 or the amount paid for appropriate content, service, or product which caused liability – no matter form of action, whether in tort, contract, or otherwise.

Limitations on implied warranties, or the exclusion or limitation of certain damages are not allowed by certain state laws. If these laws apply to you, some or all of the exclusions, limitations, or disclaimers may not be applicable, and you may incur additional rights.


You agree to indemnify and hold CBD Nature Wellness, its affiliates, subsidiaries, service providers, licensors, contractors, employees, content providers, agents, directors, and officers – referred to as “Indemnified Parties” – harmless from any violation of our Terms and Conditions by you – including any content use outside what we expressly granted in our Terms and Conditions. Your agreement states the Indemnified Parties have no responsibility regarding any such infringement or unauthorized use; you also consent to reimburse in the juncture of Indemnified Parties – including damages, losses, costs, awards, expenses, judgments, attorney, and expert witness fees. Ultimately, you will remit and hold Indemnified Parties harmless from and against any claims presented by third parties due to your use of information gained from our site.


Any trademarks, logos, service marks, graphics, coding, images, buttons, icons, banners, multimedia clips, and software on this site belongs strictly to CBD Nature Wellness and to the providers of those materials. CBD Nature Wellness and our material providers retain all rights regarding any respective trademarks, logos, service marks, and copyright material on our site. You have no permission to use our trademarks and trade dress in conjunction with any products or services not belonging to CBD Nature Wellness, in any manner potentially confusing with customers, or in any disparaging or discrediting way.


In the event you believe your copyrighted work is used or displayed on our website in a manner that constitutes copyright infringement, submit the following information to to file a report.

Notification of Claimed Infringement must include

  • Your name, address, email address, and phone number.
  • Identification of the copyrighted work you claim infringement.
  • A description of the alleged infringed material along with the location of where an original or authorized copy exists.
  • A clear description of the location where the infringed material is on our site including the appropriate URL address.
  • A statement in good-faith that the copyright owner, its agent, or the law did not authorize the contested use of the work.
  • An electronic or handwritten signature of the owner or the person with representation of the owner of the copyright interest.
  • A statement from you, under penalty of perjury, that the information in your notice is accurate, and you are the copyright owner or have authority to act on behalf of the copyright owner.

Under Title 17, United States Code, Section 512(c)(2), all notifications of claimed copyright infringement should be sent directly to us only.


With our Terms and Conditions, we do not permit you to send, post, transmit, publish, or submit in conjunction with our site any content that:

  • Contains MP3 format files.
  • Does not relate directly to our site.
  • Solicits sponsors, advertisers, of funds.
  • Corresponds to a pyramid or comparable scheme.
  • Violates any law or gives the impression of breaking any law.
  • Expresses obscene, vulgar, indecent, or pornographic imagery.
  • Promotes unlawful activity or presents an intention to commit an illegal act.
  • Includes hyperlinks to other websites containing types of content described in this section.
  • You do not own or have the authority to post – including proprietary material of third parties.
  • Opposes policies or ordinances regularly established regarding the use of our site or connected networks to our site.
  • Markets any commercial effort or engages in business activities except for what our site expressly authorizes.
  • Falsifies or imitates ties to other entities or persons or otherwise manipulates headers or identifiers to disguise the content origin.
  • Seeks to cause harm or to exploit any person through exposure to inappropriate content, requests personal identifying details, or otherwise.
  • Infringes any intellectual properties or rights of an entity or person – including breaching anyone’s copyrights, trademarks, or publicity rights.
  • Disrupts proper flow of dialogue, causes a screen malfunction, or negatively affects people’s ability to participate in real-time activities with our site.
  • Threatens, abuses, or isolate others, defames, stalks, invades privacy, or is obscene, offensive, harassing, abusive, pornographic, racist, or threatening.
  • Includes apps or programs containing viruses, Trojan horses, worms, or any malicious computer codes, files, or programs created to terminate, prevent, or limit the functionality of computer equipment, software, or telecommunications.

Without obligation, we reserve our rights to monitor usage of our site to determine compliance with our Terms and Conditions along with our refusal or removal of any information at our discretion. Nonetheless, you are solely liable for the content you submit. You acknowledge and agree that neither cbdMD nor any of our third parties providing content assumes or hold responsibility for action or inaction by our third parties, or us, regarding any submissions.


Any passwords you create through our website are strictly for individual use. It is your responsibility for securing any passwords; you also accept liability for the activities that happen while logged into your account or password. CBD Nature Wellness has the right to monitor your password and may require you to change it at our discretion. If we reasonably consider you’re using an insecure password, we have the right to require a password change or account termination. Your use of any services or facilities that compromise security or interfere with system resources or accounts in conjunction with our site is strictly prohibited. Any use or distribution of tools created for endangering system safety – password guessing programs, cracking tools, network probing tools, etc. – is also strictly prohibited. If we discover your involvement in any system security violation, we reserve our right to release your details to system administrators to support in resolving security incidents. We also have the right to investigate suspected violations of our Terms and Conditions and to cooperate entirely with law enforcement authorities or court orders instructing us to disclose identities of anyone posting content that infringes our Terms and Conditions. When you consent to our Terms and Conditions, you waive and hold us and our affiliates, subsidiaries, service providers, licensors, employees, content providers, agents, directors, and officers harmless from any claims due to actions enforced by us as a consequence of our investigations or others – including law enforcement authorities.


CBD Nature Wellness website and online store are intended for consumers living in the United States. It is entirely your responsibility to know if accessing and buying CBD Nature Wellness products are legal where you reside. Accessing the CBD Nature Wellness website and purchasing its products is at your own risk; you are 100 percent liable for all applicable laws, regulations, treaties, and rules compliance.

CONTACT CBD Nature Wellness

For any questions or concerns about our Terms and Conditions, our site or business practices, or inquiries of republishing content from our site, please send an email to or call us at 512-900-5859.

CBD Nature Wellness Affiliate Program Terms of Service


By signing up to be an Affiliate in the CBD Nature Wellness Affiliate Program (“Program”) you are agreeing to be bound by the following terms and conditions (“Terms of Service”).

CBD Nature Wellness reserves the right to update and change the Terms of Service from time to time without notice. Any new features that augment or enhance the current Program, including the release of new tools and resources, shall be subject to the Terms of Service. Continued use of the Program after any such changes shall constitute your consent to such changes.

Violation of any of the terms below will result in the termination of your Account and for forfeiture of any outstanding affiliate commission payments earned during the violation. You agree to use the Affiliate Program at your own risk.

Account Terms

  • You must be 18 years or older to be part of this Program.
  • You must live in the United States to be an Affiliate.
  • You must be a human. Accounts registered by “bots” or other automated methods are not permitted.
  • You must provide your legal full name, a valid email address, and any other information requested in order to complete the signup process.
  • Your login may only be used by one person – a single login shared by multiple people is not permitted.
  • You are responsible for maintaining the security of your account and password. CBD Nature Wellness cannot and will not be liable for any loss or damage from your failure to comply with this security obligation.
  • You are responsible for all Content posted and activity that occurs under your account.
  • One person or legal entity may not maintain more than one account.
  • You may not use the Affiliate Program for any illegal or unauthorized purpose. You must not, in the use of the Service, violate any laws in your jurisdiction (including but not limited to copyright laws).
  • You may not use the Affiliate Program to earn money on your own CBD Nature Wellness product accounts.

Links/graphics on your site, in your emails, or other communications

Once you have signed up for the Affiliate Program, you will be assigned a unique Affiliate Code. You are permitted to place links, banners, or other graphics we provide with your Affiliate Code on your site, in your emails, or in other communications. We will provide you with guidelines, link styles, and graphical artwork to use in linking to CBD Nature Wellness. We may change the design of the artwork at any time without notice, but we won’t change the dimensions of the images without proper notice.

To permit accurate tracking, reporting, and referral fee accrual, we will provide you with special link formats to be used in all links between your site and the CBD Nature Wellness. You must ensure that each of the links between your site and the CBD Nature Wellness properly utilizes such special link formats. Links to the CBD Nature Wellness placed on your site pursuant to this Agreement and which properly utilize such special link formats are referred to as “Special Links.” You will earn referral fees only with respect to sales on a CBD Nature Wellness product occurring directly through Special Links; we will not be liable to you with respect to any failure by you or someone you refer to use Special Links or incorrectly type your Affiliate Code, including to the extent that such failure may result in any reduction of amounts that would otherwise be paid to you pursuant to this Agreement.

Affiliate links should point to the page of the product being promoted.

Referral fees/commissions and payment

For a Product sale to be eligible to earn a referral fee, the customer must click-through a Special Link from your site, email, or other communications to and complete an order for a product during that session.

We will only pay commissions on links that are automatically tracked and reported by our systems. We will not pay commissions if someone says they purchased or someone says they entered a referral code if it was not tracked by our system. We can only pay commissions on business generated through properly formatted special links that were automatically tracked by our systems.

We reserve the right to disqualify commissions earned through fraudulent, illegal, or overly aggressive, questionable sales or marketing methods.

Payments only begin once you’ve earned more than $20 in affiliate income. If your affiliate account never crosses the $20 threshold, your commissions will not be realized or paid. We are only responsible for paying accounts that have crossed the $20 threshold.

Identifying yourself as a CBD Nature Wellness Affiliate

You may not issue any press release with respect to this Agreement or your participation in the Program; such action may result in your termination from the Program. In addition, you may not in any manner misrepresent or embellish the relationship between us and you, say you develop our products, say you are part of CBD Nature Wellness or express or imply any relationship or affiliation between us and you or any other person or entity except as expressly permitted by this Agreement (including by expressing or implying that we support, sponsor, endorse, or contribute money to any charity or other cause).

You may not purchase products through your affiliate links for your own use. Such purchases may result (in our sole discretion) in the withholding of referral fees and/or the termination of this Agreement.

Payment schedule

As long as your current affiliate earning are over $20, you’ll be paid each month. If you haven’t earned $20 since your last payment, we’ll pay you the following month after you’ve crossed the threshold.

Customer definition

Customers who buy products through this Program will be deemed to be our customers. Accordingly, all of our rules, policies, and operating procedures concerning customer orders, customer service, and product sales will apply to those customers. We may change our policies and operating procedures at any time. For example, we will determine the prices to be charged for products sold under this Program in accordance with our own pricing policies. Product prices and availability may vary from time to time. Because price changes may affect Products that you have listed on your site, you should not display product prices on your site. We will use commercially reasonable efforts to present accurate information, but we cannot guarantee the availability or price of any particular product.

Your responsibilities

You will be solely responsible for the development, operation, and maintenance of your site and for all materials that appear on your site. For example, you will be solely responsible for:

– The technical operation of your site and all related equipment
– Ensuring the display of Special Links on your site does not violate any agreement between you and any third party (including without limitation any restrictions or requirements placed on you by a third party that hosts your site)
– The accuracy, truth, and appropriateness of materials posted on your site (including, among other things, all Product-related materials and any information you include within or associate with Special Links)
– Ensuring that materials posted on your site do not violate or infringe upon the rights of any third party (including, for example, copyrights, trademarks, privacy, or other personal or proprietary rights)
– Ensuring that materials posted on your site are not libelous or otherwise illegal
– Ensuring that your site accurately and adequately discloses, either through a privacy policy or otherwise, how you collect, use, store, and disclose data collected from visitors, including, where applicable, that third parties (including advertisers) may serve content and/or advertisements and collect information directly from visitors and may place or recognize cookies on visitors’ browsers.

Compliance with Laws

As a condition to your participation in the Program, you agree that while you are a Program participant you will comply with all laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, orders, licenses, permits, judgments, decisions or other requirements of any governmental authority that has jurisdiction over you, whether those laws, etc. are now in effect or later come into effect during the time you are a Program participant. Without limiting the foregoing obligation, you agree that as a condition of your participation in the Program you will comply with all applicable laws (federal, state or otherwise) that govern marketing email, including without limitation, the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 and all other anti-spam laws.

Term of the Agreement and Program

The term of this Agreement will begin upon our acceptance of your Program application and will end when terminated by either party. Either you or we may terminate this Agreement at any time, with or without cause, by giving the other party written notice of termination. Upon the termination of this Agreement for any reason, you will immediately cease use of, and remove from your site, all links to, and all of our trademarks, trade dress, and logos, and all other materials provided by or on behalf of us to you pursuant hereto or in connection with the Program. CBD Nature Wellness reserves the right to end the Program at any time. Upon program termination, CBD Nature Wellness will pay any outstanding earnings accrued above $20.


CBD Nature Wellness, in its sole discretion, has the right to suspend or terminate your account and refuse any and all current or future use of the Program, or any other CBD Nature Wellness service, for any reason at any time. Such termination of the Service will result in the deactivation or deletion of your Account or your access to your Account, and the forfeiture and relinquishment of all potential or to-be-paid commissions in your Account if they were earned through fraudulent, illegal, or overly aggressive, questionable sales or marketing methods. CBD Nature Wellness reserves the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason at any time.

Relationship of Parties

You and we are independent contractors, and nothing in this Agreement will create any partnership, joint venture, agency, franchise, sales representative, or employment relationship between the parties. You will have no authority to make or accept any offers or representations on our behalf. You will not make any statement, whether on your site or otherwise, that reasonably would contradict anything in this Section.

Limitations of Liability

We will not be liable for indirect, special, or consequential damages (or any loss of revenue, profits, or data) arising in connection with this Agreement or the Program, even if we have been advised of the possibility of such damages. Further, our aggregate liability arising with respect to this Agreement and the Program will not exceed the total referral fees paid or payable to you under this Agreement.


We make no express or implied warranties or representations with respect to the Program or any products sold through the Program (including, without limitation, warranties of fitness, merchantability, noninfringement, or any implied warranties arising out of a course of performance, dealing, or trade usage). In addition, we make no representation that the operation of the CBD Nature Wellness will be uninterrupted or error-free, and we will not be liable for the consequences of any interruptions or errors.

Independent Investigation



Any dispute relating in any way to this Agreement (including any actual or alleged breach hereof), any transactions or activities under this Agreement or your relationship with us or any of our affiliates shall be submitted to confidential arbitration, except that, to the extent you have in any manner violated or threatened to violate our intellectual property rights, we may seek injunctive or other appropriate relief in any state or federal court (and you consent to non-exclusive jurisdiction and venue in such courts) or any other court of competent jurisdiction. Arbitration under this agreement shall be conducted under the rules then prevailing of the American Arbitration Association. The arbitrator’s award shall be binding and may be entered as a judgment in any court of competent jurisdiction. To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, no arbitration under this Agreement shall be joined to an arbitration involving any other party subject to this Agreement, whether through class arbitration proceedings or otherwise.


This Agreement will be governed by the laws of The United States, without reference to rules governing choice of laws. You may not assign this Agreement, by operation of law or otherwise, without our prior written consent. Subject to that restriction, this Agreement will be binding on, inure to the benefit of, and be enforceable against the parties and their respective successors and assigns. Our failure to enforce your strict performance of any provision of this Agreement will not constitute a waiver of our right to subsequently enforce such provision or any other provision of this Agreement.

The failure of CBD Nature Wellness to exercise or enforce any right or provision of the Terms of Service shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision. The Terms of Service constitutes the entire agreement between you and CBD Nature Wellness and govern your use of the Service, superceding any prior agreements between you and CBD Nature Wellness (including, but not limited to, any prior versions of the Terms of Service).