cbd nature wellness about page profile

Robert Quiñonez Founder & CEO

Our Approach

Driven by passion, value and integrity. We strive make positive impact in the CBD industry. Established in 2017, CBD Nature Wellness is your personal CBD consultant, sharing our passion and providing you a personalized experience. Our outlook is to change lives, educate, and share with the world the benefits of nature’s wellness.

CBD Nature Wellness was founded in Austin, TX. Our products were developed with the medical community in mind. We started as a B2B business, offering exclusive CBD products reserved for Med Spas, Clinics, and Veterinarians to be offered as a dietary supplement.

As the founder, I want to share that I have been a customer, supporter, and investor in the CBD industry since 2014. I began my CBD business in late 2015 and grew very serious and passionate in early 2017 shortly after my dad’s stroke on February 14th. The stroke damaged a part of his brain that deals with emotions, causing him to experience uncontrollable crying (emotional seizures) whenever an emotion was triggered.

He was hospitalized for a month and had to take therapy for months to speak and walk again, to this day he still limps. Witnessing his recovery became my “why” and fueled my passion to take this to a whole other level.  My journey in the CBD business began, educating, sharing and offering nature’s wellness. Remaining determined to have the very highest quality premium CBD oil available on the market.  

I have witnessed lives completely transformed, and because of my lifelong passion for health and wellness, I am thrilled to have the opportunity to share this product with you.

Robert Quiñonez